Burhanudhin Ibrahim ibn Umar al-Biqaii al Shafii(d.885.AH), a scholar of Tafsir and Hadith had accused them of Kufr but in fact he had been in turn refuted by Imam Jalaludin al-Suyuti(Rah)(d.911..AH), another prominent shafii scholar of repute .[Ref:Shadaratu Zahab by Ibnul Imad al-Hanbali]
Some scholars, especially those Dhahiri scholars(NOT referring to the Fiqhi school) not trained in the inner sciences(tasawwuf), made Takfir of them. The majority of the Sufiyah have praised them, especially Shaykh Al-Akbar Ibn 'Arabi (rahmatu'Allahi 'alayh). His legacy is to be found especially in the Shathili Tariqa.
AOA, anyways.....ive heard abt the things which are said related to the 2 persons mentioned....all i can say is tht we shud leave it to Allah.....leave it as mutashabihat.....dont make judgements......worry abt ur own self.....Allah will ask abt YOU on YOUR judgement day.....so we shud all get ready for tht........ Wallah Ho Allam