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Old 10-06-2010, 07:46 PM   #23

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Ahlussunnah bro,

Actually i said tht statement becuz the mashaikh and ulemas involved in both the sides i.e. one who support them and other who are against them, majority of them are very respected scholars and imams and mashaikh of muslim ummah.......and if we have such a debate thn i have seen tht it can easily go out of control and people start criticising those ulemas whose taqwa is at the highest level.......and the criticism normally comes from an average muslim like me.....who is no where near to the level of taqwa tht those greats had.....but he just want to have a hot debate on the topic......

if u r certain that something is wrong or right thn no problem but if u dont know which where to go thn it lies in the mutashabihat category for u.....either we shud go and ask an authentic aalim abt it.....or leave it......

what i meant to say was tht i see people debating abt things which are not of tht priority in deen like ive seen people discussing wahdat ul wujood whn majority of them are not even regular namazis.....i am also like tht.....i accept it.....the thing is debates can easily get out of control and u loose focus on WHAT is more important.....

I wud also like to say tht i also have read abt those two and my stance is similar to the ones who say tht those two were not right......but as i said thr r very respected ulemas who defend those two......and whn it comes to authentic ulemas i choose to shut my tongue up......and leave it to Allah......i know i ahve to correct my aqeedah and my amaal.......

And the examples u gave are not releveant here as those are not mutashabihat eevery other alim will say tht tht was no issues thr.....i was merely talkin whn thr is a confusion.......

But i also understnad what ur tryin to say.....tht if u know something is wrong u shud say as it ya but my point was tht if u know for sure tht it is wrong thn u can say it.....otherwise either go to an authentic aalim or u know just leave it.......

Hope tht makes some sense....

cxddfrxc is offline


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