Ibn Arabi & Mansur Hallaj
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10-07-2010, 03:35 AM
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Oct 2005
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Regarding Ibn-e-tayymiah ru making takfir of such scholars,he was a bit mutashaddid and so are the present day salafis. Ibn Taymiyyah wasn't the harshest on Ibn Arabi and there were hundreds of Ash'ari and Sufi ulama who made tafseeq and takfeer of Ibn Arabi so why just single out Ibn Taymiyyah and or the "present day salafis"?
Ibn Taymiyya is not less controversial than the two mentioned above and certain scholars have declares takfir on him as well. So are you saying that they are better than Ibn Taymiyyah and the ulama who condemned Ibn Arabi dwarf those who condemned Ibn Taymiyyah.
Yes the majority of those who made takfir of Shaykh Al-Akbar ibn 'Arabi (radiya'Allahu 'anhu) were scholars who were not trained in the inner sciences, ie Tasawwuf. They were scholars of the outer sciences, ie Fuqaha, Muhaddithun, and Mutakallimun. They could not comprehend his writings. The vast majority of Ahl Al-Tasawwuf hold him in the highest esteem. So why don't you apply the same standard to Ibn Taymiyyah and do you believe that Ibn Arabi is better than Ibn Taymiyyah?
I ask you to stop your continious spreading of the lie that I am affiliated with the Ahbash, which I have negated more than once! You certainly have ta'assub towards them and constantly defend them.
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