Allahu Akbar! May Allah accept your good intentions and make me like that. I am nowhere close. Maulana Ismail (db) said that the main, best, most intelligent student of Sufyan Thauri (rah) was in the pangs of death. Sufyan Thauri (rah) went to see him and started reciting some Qur'an there, the student objected with a high tone and said, "Stop, no one is to recite that Qur'an here". Everyone was baffled. He passed away. Sufyan Thauri (rah) saw him in a dream afterwards and asked him, what happened to you? He said, I used to be jealous of my fellow students thats why my fate was such. I am a bag full of worms bro, make dua. Hope the sleeping issue is solved. Sorry for deviating from the topic of the thread