Brother Muadh, are these normal cotton socks which can be comfortably worn with sneakers or dress shoes? Or are they extremely thick and made for winter or hiking? If possible post some pics lol. Insha Allah I will alo call Mufti Yusuf Sacha and get the details, but I just want to find out a bit more from you first. This topic is important to me because sometimes and I go to pray salah in jamah and I know the imam did masah on cotton socks, so I end up having to repeat my salah.
Br. Muadh is this the case with Hanafis? i mean can i wear and do Masah on those socks named 'Wilson' and would it be accepted in Hanafiyya Maddhab? Maybe Mufti Soofi saheb may shed some Light on this topic. i agree with Br. Talib can you upload any pictures?