Masah on Socks- A new book for download
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11-27-2007, 07:24 PM
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Oct 2005
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Asslamo Allaikum,
This is the fatwa of Hadhrat Soofi_saheb's teacher:
Allamah ‘Ala al-Din al-Haskafi in his al-Durr al-Mukthar mentions the conditions of making masah on thick non-leather socks as:
1) One is able to walk one farskh (3 Shar’ee miles) in them.
2) The socks cling to the feet without having to tie with anything.
3) The socks are not transparent.
4) The water does not seep through while making masah.
For the socks to be waterproof and be able to stand like shoes on floor are not conditions for permissibility of masah.
If the above mentioned conditions are found in sealskin socks, then it will be permissible to make masah on them.
Cheap Kuffs with thin leather (zipped or unzipped) DO NOT and CAN NOT stand on their own.
P.S: Mufti Taqi Usmani's father Mufti Shafe Saheb (RA) discuss the matter in detail in Jawahirul-Fiqh; I would love for someone to quote it.
Br. Muadh,
so what your saying is that the condition for it to stand upright is not a condition for non leather socks?
then is a condition for leather socks?
then how come in this following fatwa they have placed the standing upright a condition? or is the wording supposed to be the 2nd condition on the list you have?
note: fatwa is by Mufti Taqi Uthmani and approved by Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
please get back to me asap.
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