Honor killings?
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07-02-2011, 03:47 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Let's be honest with our selves,
Pakistan is the worst place to be at the moment.
The country was not created in the name of Islam. It's not a Holy-Land. All these stupid logics and imaginative theories should be cleansed from the mind. Pakistan is NOT ISLAM KA QILA. Pakistan is not an ISLAMIC NUCLEAR POWER. Pakistan is a secular state. Pakistan is the enemy of Islam. The head of the state if a SHIA-KAFIR, the army if full of QADYANIS, the govt is full of QADYANI/SHIA ministers. Interior Minister - Shaytaan Malik is a Qadyani.
The constitution of Pakistan is against Shariah. The laws are against Shariah. Your life is not safe there, neither your Izzat.
You can pick up any girl, rape her and live a peaceful life. If you get caught, you pay the police and they'll pick up an innocent guy instead of you.
How is Pakistan an Islamic state? Just because there are Madaris? Just because Muslims live there? Or maybe because of Abdullah Shah Ghazi (RA)
I HATE PAKISTAN. Why? Because I don't get any izzat there. My father's land was Qabzaad by the Qabza Group. We spend 10 years fighting a case, nothing happened except that my father left this dunia. We didn't pursue the case after that.
Saudia is much better. But the problem here is, you can't open a business in your name (i'm KANGLA right now because my KAFEEL ate up my business and kicked me out). You can't buy a house, your children are not ALLOWED to study in the GREAT SAUDI UNIVERSITIES. But still, Makkah Madinah. I want my Nabi's sifarish in Qayamat, that's why I'm here.
The second and third generation PAKISTANIS who have never seen Pakistan, who don't even have Pakistani passports, who can't speak urdu, they are like Aliens from Mars. If they get kicked out, then where do they go?
Western countries are much better in terms of financial and social security. A pakistani from a village can get scholarship in any top University in US if he has a good academic record. He can go study in UK, he can go to Australia, he can go to the best universities in the world.
Don't blame it on people, who wouldn't want to go there? Who would want to live in Pakistan?
I get thousands of calls from people begging me to arrange a saudi VISA for them because they just can't live in Pakistan anymore. One aunty was crying and telling me to arrange a visa for her son she wants him here.
Don't complain or blame people if they want to go and live in the west. You don't provide them social and financial assurance, why would they come to you?
Brother Usman, i think you are turning a blind eye. I love Karachi because it was my home town. My childhood memories are from Karachi. But theres nothing Islamic about Karachi. Women do get hooted at, perverts do touch the women in markets.
But you shouldn't have said what you said about Lahore. Yes lahore is full of fahashi but still....
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