"Colony of Wives" : Shattered Dreams of Muslim immigrants in Canada
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07-16-2011, 09:51 PM
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"Colony of Wives" : Shattered Dreams of Muslim immigrants in Canada
I found a disappointing piece of information about the Muslims in Canada. They
do not get good jobs easily. As a result, a city of wives has appeared !! The author of
the article has pointed out this.
Engineers and computer-programmers face similar problems. Many of those who acquired immigration to Canada were careful not to resign their jobs in the Middle East.
Thus, after spending a few frustrating months in Canada looking for a job, they have left their families and themselves returned to continue to work in the Middle East.
Over the years, a pattern has emerged. People have a tendency to congregate with those they are familiar with. Some of these “Middle Eastern” families settled in apartment buildings in Mississauga, a western suburb of Toronto. Others followed suit. Now there is an entire locality in Mississauga where
buildings are literally full of wives and children but no husbands or fathers. The locality has been appropriately dubbed “Begumpura”! (City of Wives).
Can anyone tell us more about the situation of Muslim immigrants in Canada ? is discrimination widespread ?Any discrimination in salary ? Attitude of host population towards Muslims ?
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