Seal Skinz socks - failed test after 18 months
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07-06-2011, 02:15 AM
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Oct 2005
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Below is a paragraph from Mufti Taqi Usmani's article :
" And Allamah ibn Nujaim (RA.) writes: "And it is not permissible to make masah over thin socks made from yarn or hair. There are no differences of opinion on that. However, if the socks are thick, to the extent that one can walk one Farsakh (three miles) or more, then the jurists have differences of opinion." (Al-Bahr-ur-Ra'iq, first volume, p.192).
From the above it is clear that to perform masah on the following types of thin socks is not held permissible by any of the Imaams of the madhaahib (Schools of Thought) "
To be fair I don't think Imam Ibn Nujaim's statement alone is enough to conclude Ijmaa'. Especially when Imam Zabidi in the Sharah of Quduri states it not to be a condition, and he's Hanafi. And that's just one scholar.
Plus there is no mention by Imam Ibn Nujaim on the Jawrab being waterproof !
So anyway, make of it what you will.
Allah knows best.
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