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Old 09-07-2010, 09:32 PM   #3

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Oct 2005
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Ml.Desai did not appear on the scene last night.His been serving the deen for decades and at 71,is one of the senior ulama.You might not know,but in the days when Islamic literature were few and far between,and many of us were not yet born,and when most of our parents and grandparents were ignorant of the deen,and when the community was completely infested with bid'aat,those were the days when majlis was either translating/publishing/authoring books on aqidah,fiqh,ahlaaq e.t.c. which were used to teach children in madressah or which were used in the publishing of later books by others.The days when ulama were not open against bid'aat e.t.c. those were the days majlis openly condemned it,and today we are where we are.multitudes learnt how to perform salaah,ghusl and aqidah from the efforts of the majlis in S.A. and abroad.He even spent time in prison and had his liberties curtailed because of his service to the deen.As far as I am concerned,I won't take part in condemning the man and I make an effrot not to take part in condemning any aalim for that matter.Majlis has nothing to prove to anyone,he has done his fair share for the ummah.
This is a very important point I believe that always gets left out.

For all the rights and wrongs which I have no idea of, but this is a general point.

people should atleast aknowledge the sacrifces which the elders made so that life could be made easier for us.

Im talking about the life in the UK. It is our fathers and grand fathers that came from the sub continant, yes to aquire money, but alhamdulillah, they had th worry and concern for their generations to come. they worked hard, chipped in together to buy houses to be used for prayers and madrassa for the children. they made worry and concern about halal butchers.

in short, regardless of their short comings, we should always aknowledge the debt we owe to the older generations. they instilled certain values and morals in us which has kept the fitna at bay until now.

we now see(in the UK) that as those generations are slowly passing away, thus our morals are also going with them. because of the elders, people used to have a sense of shame and modesty. that is slowly evaporating.
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