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Old 09-08-2010, 08:49 PM   #27

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Oct 2005
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Bro SASLAMS requested me to post the following on his behalf (due to his internet being down.)
I would like to once again ask for my forgiveness firstly & on behalf of anyone who slandered the respected mufti. May Allah forgive us. The way I behaved is not the character of a student of the habaib who exercise tolerance within their madhab/manhaj & with the other madhabs. A friend of mine who is a student of Ml Taha told me that even though Ml Taha was disrespect & criticized by the majlis we should still respect the mufti for his great humbleness & islaah.
Unfortunately for you brother Abdouragmaan,the body of your message betrays it's intro and conclusion.I will not even attempt to respond to most of the points made by you,suffice to say that I can argue with you from now to qiyamah to prove who is right/wrong.

However,there are a few things I feel I'd like to clarify here.

You might not know,but in the days when Islamic literature were few and far between,and many of us were not yet born,and when most of our parents and grandparents were ignorant of the deen,and when the community was completely infested with bid'aat,those were the days when majlis was either translating/publishing/authoring books on aqidah,fiqh,ahlaaq e.t.c. which were used to teach children in madressah or which were used in the publishing of later books by others.The days when ulama were not open against bid'aat e.t.c. those were the days majlis openly condemned it,and today we are where we are.multitudes learnt how to perform salaah,ghusl and aqidah from the efforts of the majlis in S.A. and abroad.He even spent time in prison and had his liberties curtailed because of his service to the deen.As far as I am concerned,I won't take part in condemning the man and I make an effrot not to take part in condemning any aalim for that matter.Majlis has nothing to prove to anyone,he has done his fair share for the ummah.
Brother,I think you have some pretty serious comprehension issues.I stated 'many of us'.NOT all of us.I spoke of us,meaning myself and those in S.A. who I've interacted with among the ahnaaf.I spoke about 'our community',not 'our country'.I also stated that 'multitudes' have benefited through the efforts of the majlis.I stated that the 'days when Ulama where not open against bid'aat' and subsequently stated that 'those were the days when majlis openly condemned it'.Now anybody with a sound and functioning aql would understand that I DID NOT STATE THAT THE ULAMA WERE NOT AGAINST BID'AT BUT RATHER THAT ML.DESAI CONDEMNED THE BID'AAT MUCH MORE OPENLY THAN THE ULAMA. The only explanation I can think of,is that you have very warped and twisted mind filled with hatred that brings you to this conclusion:

I don’t know about the rest of the SF brothers & sisters but it seems as if you saying that South Africa was totally upside down as far as deen is concerned before the majlis came on to the scene. Are you speaking for the ahnaaf here or for muslims in general because I can tell you either way you wrong. None of the books that we were taught from in the maktab came from the majlis, I don’t know about the ahnaaf though, maybe the ahnaaf of SA could comment. You are saying that all the ulama before 1970 were not doing their jobs right, or there were no a’lims at all & the people were stuck in ghaflah. I for one did not learn ghusal, aqeedah & salah from the majlis & I doubt every hanafi in SA would agree with you. Im not saying that nobody benefited from the Mufti & the majlis & may Allah reward him for his effort. We just need to remember that we can’t go general on this because it’s as if there were no true muslims before the majlis, meaning that all our grandparents & great grandparents & our bidati ancestors (for those of us who have muslim roots in SA going further than 300 years) are all heading for jahannam due to their bidah & ghaflah, after all they had sound knowledge before they came here The jist of what I've stated in my post,is that majlis played a very major role in the deeni education of the ulama and awaam,whether it be QnA's or books or papers e.t.c. and that he was at the forefront of fighting bid'aat and modernists,orientilists e.t.c. for the past few decades,if not anywhere else than at least amongst the ahnaaf of S.A.,whether you willing to accept that or not.

was salaam
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