hmmm 48 chickens r believable but 120 - 130 in a minute when there are 3 slaughters? that i dont believe & btw thats not the only reason it could be haram.. #2. before slaughterd all the birds r stunned..sometime this causes them to have heart attacks or warreva.. after stunning b4 slaughter, the birds R NOT checkd, so they could be dead or they could be alive.. #3. because they r cuttin so many, sometimes(est. 20%) they dont do a proper job & the chickns r stil alive, then when they r thrown into the boiling water, they start flappin, meaning that they wer nt dead, sometimes THIS is what kills them.. not all of these chickens r haram, bt some r, n how do u no which 1 u eating? sometimes i think maybe this is why the muslims is SA are how they r, they hav the knowledge bt most dont implement it into their lives, coz they hav been fed haram which makes ones iman weak seems like u not a big fan of ML desai, bt thik u should listen to him on this matter, consuming haram/halal is an important matter.