surah iklaas isale thawaab for maulana yunus patel raheemullah
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07-13-2011, 03:13 PM
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Oct 2005
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Please note that brothers and sisters posting any (fixed or otherwise) numbers that they are going to offer Surah Ikhlas (or any other surah for that matter) is merely their offering (or intention thereof) of Thawab for the deceased. As far as the target of 100K mentioned in the earlier posts is again an intention to reach a certain milestone.
None of this would be a bid'ah if it is done to increase the Ajr, and not considered an absolute must, and something people would be reproached if they failed to meet the goal; e.g. if the goal of 100K is not met, or if someone who intends to recite it 1000 times failed to do so.
On a separate note, my advice to all people affected by the demise of Hazrat (and I am one of them) is to offer a variety of ایصال ثواب and do so with a lot of اخلاص and devotion. Remember the Ajr is not calculated but weighed, and that depends solely on the purity of intention and the concentration.
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