Authoritarianism and Islam
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06-29-2011, 06:28 AM
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Oct 2005
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As for the protests, I recently received photos of Yemeni protesters with Qat bulges in their cheeks. Dozens of photos of men with bloodshot eyes, qat bulges, shouting about hurria and such.
I believe there was a hadith about this:
From Abû Hurayrah (radiyAllâhu 'anhu) who said that Allâh's Messenger (salAllâhu 'alaihi wa'sallam) said: "There will come upon the people years of deceit in which the liar will be believed, the truthful disbelieved, the treacherous will be trusted and the trustworthy held to be treacherous, and
the despicable (ar-Ruwaybidah) will speak out." It was said: Who are the despicable ones (ar-
Ruwaybidah)? He said: "The lowly, ignoble man w ho speaks out about the public affairs."( 5 7)Reported by Ahmad as weak This hadith seems to embody our reality today. One needs only to read and hear what many leaders of the Egyptian activists are saying about Islam, and one can recognize ar Ruwaybidah among us. Democracy presents that people with no knowledge, no morality can rule and determine the affairs if they so choose. Hence, the rise of libertinism as evident by the Guardian magazine and the spread of immorality throughout the world.
From Aboo Sa'eed al-Khudree (radiyAllâhu 'anhu) who said: "Allâh's Messenger (salAllâhu 'alaihi w a'sallam ) stood amongst us to deliver an address, and from his address was that he said: Indeed it is about to occur that I will be called and will respond. Then after me will follow rulers over you w ho say what they have knowledge of, and act upon what they know. Obedience to them is obedience to me, and you remain like that for a time. Then there will follow rulers over you after them who say what they do not have knowledge of and act according to what they do not have knowledge of. So whoever is sincere to them and assists them , or strengthens them then they are destroyed and have
caused destruction."
"Accompany them with your bodies and differ with them by your actions, and bear witness for the doer of good from them that he is a doer of good, and for the doer of evil that he is a doer of evil."( 6 3 ) (This hadith from Baihaqi)
It is argued that this hadith pertains to the rulers after the khulafa rashiduun but not those of today. The distinction is that today, the rulers essentially represent kufr overtly or betray their authority as rulers of Muslim lands. Removing them is critical to bringing back Islam into life, as today's rulers and regimes and modern states stand against Islam and are obsticals to the resumption of Islam in life and the true worship of Allah.
The Hadith of Ubaadah ibn Saamit.
We swore allegiance to Allahs Messenger (SAW) to hear and obey and not to dispute about rule with those in power, except if you see kufr bawaah (clear kufr). (Al-Bukhaari and Muslim)
Qadi Iyad said: "If he is adamant on Kufr, (and) in changing the shariah, or on innovation, then his obedience is invalid and it becomes a duty upon the Muslims to revolt against him, removing him and placing a just Imam (ruler) in his place if possible.
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