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Old 07-03-2011, 11:14 PM   #17

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Bhai mere, it's not only about Shuyookh from Tassawwuf background. Even TJ Akabireen and Maulanas from other walks of life are seen surrounded with these Bouncers type Chamchas. Serving a Shaykh is one thing but behaving and acting like Bouncers is a different thing.

P.S - I am not painting everyone serving the Shuyook with the same brush. I have come across some really pious Khadim but again I have also seen some who personifies the typical characteristics of Chamcha.

I am out!

I saw one Akabir in Hajj season. He was in Masjid e Nabawi on a wheel chair. People recognized him and came to do Musafaha. Believe me, i saw this with my own eyes, the chamcha started RUNNING with the SHEIKH's WHEELCHAIR in MASJID e NABAWI.

I went to meet one BIG SHEIKH in haram. A chamcha was sitting besides him. I just stood there because the Maulana with me was talking to this sheikh. The chamcha started to pull my shalwar and constantly bugging me don't stand here. Go stand at the back. Man, if it wasn't masjid e nabawi i would've put him in his place.

Then there was this BIG BIG INTERNATIONAL SHEIKH, i used to be with this friend of the sheikh. But this chamcha didn't know. So we were walking and the chamcha was like, don't make a crowd, stay away. constantly telling people not to walk with hazrat. I told the chamcha get lost man, why do you even come to haram if you don't like people meeting you?

Maulana Yunus Patel's Khadim is a very nice person masha'Allah. No chamchaness in him. This khadim calls me himself to tell me where Hazrat is, come meet him.

Smabeabumjess is offline


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