Thread: Honor killings?
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Old 07-01-2011, 06:04 AM   #2

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Wa 'alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah,

These killings can never be Islamic. I am not a scholar, but it is explicit that our deen does not permit unlawful killings such as the one shown in the video. We as Muslims should seek the honour of Allah and not mankind, if our child wrongs we should be patient and guide them inshaa Allah. The method in the video is unislamic. I have seen in my culture even how children are pushed to please their parents egos, sometimes they can't even sit in the park for what if somebody comes and says something. Common things like what will my childs in laws say when they can't do housework, the mother didn't teach them etc and the list goes on. However, we should only seek Allah's honour, makes life many times easier inshaa Allah.
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