What can Muslim in Non-Muslim lands teach?
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07-06-2011, 03:39 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
As a Muslim living in the Netherlands, I think Muslims in Muslim countries should not see the west
as superior and look upto it. Too often I have found Muslims here who are acting like
'Uncle Tom' like that of Christianity. They take the view of the west as standard and from there
they are trying to prove the natives that Islam perfectly conforms western ideals.
The problem is that they see western civilization as an example and somehow Islam needs to be clarified and subjected for these people of 'high standards'.
They often make the mistake that the same system that came forward from the rennesaince destroyed a religion. Christendom was replaced by western secularism. The same could happen with
Islam, especially if most of the Ulama are busy with refuting eachother.
Salaf vs Sufi, Deobandi vs Barelwi and so on instead of refuting secular idea's.
In short: We as a community should study the works of people like Kant, Descartes, Spinoza, Russel in order to understand their idea's and then unite and produce a counter-attack.
I see western civillization as a community that has stressed too much on
in the beginning which lead to Deism and eventually to Atheism because of uncontrolled
(reason). Hinduism is the other side of the coin, a religion that has stressed too much on
and lost it's original meaning because of
(imagination). In both systems, one of the two were taken into extremes and forgot the other.
We should not fall for that and keep balancing on the point of the needle, that is
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