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Old 07-05-2011, 11:20 AM   #2

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Dr Zakir Naik, quoted as saying (I also have the original audio clip):

Dr Zakir Naik is saying Muslims have no objection calling Allah by the Names "Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu". Astaghfirullaah!

Many great ulamaa have strongly repudiated Dr Zakir Naik and his modern ideas. Zakir Naik always appears wearing suit and tie, and Ulamaa have warned against this as it is imitation of the kuffaar. He congradulates atheists for believing in part of the Kalimah "La ilaha".

Everyone should beware of him and not listen to his speeches or attend his conferences. He is astray leading others astray.
Dear Brother, Assalaamoalaikum

A muslim must be careful not to put words in the mouth of another, words that one did not say nor had the intention to say.

Dr. Zakir Naik is speaking of the attributes of the Almighty as mentioned in the Rig Veda. Brahma (the Creator), and Vishnu (the Sustainer), he says, are the attributes of the Almighty as per their respective meaning. He says that, given these meanings, he finds no objection to anyone (he did not say specifically muslims) calling the Almighty by these names. Anything wrong in this interpretation?

We have come to learn and pronounce the attributes of Allah(SWT) in the Arabic Language. Allah(SWT) did not wait for the year 570AD to start spreading His Message, to Guide His Creation. He has been guiding His Creation since the creation of Adam(AS). And all the descendants of Adam(AS) did not speak Arabic. They spoke numerous languages, and Allah(SWT) revealed His Messages in different languages. Is it wrong to believe that Allah(SWT) also taught the Hindus - even though His Messages may have been distorted subsequently, as has happened for many other peoples?

Zakir Naik always appears wearing suit and tie, and Ulamaa have warned against this as it is imitation of the kuffaar .

I wear suit and tie - although not always. I do not think I am a kuffar during the time I am wearing same. Our Respected Ullama(May Allah(SWT) be pleased with them) are wrong on this issue. It is not by wearing arabic clothes that I am a muslim. Just to say that it is not because Dr.Naik wears suit & tie that he is a kaffir.

Everyone should beware of him and not listen to his speeches or attend his conferences. He is astray leading others astray. This is the problem with muslims. Do not read from this aqeeda, that aqeeda..... No posters, magazines, to be brought to masjid without permission of the Imam amd / or committee. Lest one falls victim to the message(s) of the other group. It is the duty of our Ullama to educate muslims correctly, to make muslims (as from childhood) understand Islam correctly. If one has correctly understood what Islam is all about, there would be no danger in reading anything or listening to the speeches of anyone.

Imagine what the situation in the secular field would have been, had the same philosophy of interdiction been applied there also. We would still have been in the stone age.

Brotherly yours
DrKirkNoliss is offline


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