Assalamu alaykum Doctor sahib, you will never sell banana. There is a big demand for honest doctors. Allah swt barakah will come with the money you earn honestly. Let me quote an example. During my childhood. An honest doctor opened a 10ft by 15ft clinic. Allah swt gave shifaa in his hands. I myself experienced that. Every day 365 days an year he used to see more than 200 patients per day (the clinic was getting closed at 3.00 AM night). The fee was very very nominal, some times for needy no fee and sample medicines were offered to them. Things changed: Lot of money got accumulated, some one suggested him to open a mini hospital. To repay the loans, the CUT theory started. No barkah, no shifaa, no patients. He is cursing himself, he and every one was happy with the 10 X 15 ft clinic.