....Pukhtoons are the only nation in the world,other than Kurds, who are practically divided into 4 parts by imaginary lines.They are in Afghanistan,FATA,Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa and they comprise almost 50% of Balochistan in numbers.I will call it " Balanization " of Pukhtoons.Added to that,they are kept economically backward,Politically in effective and now at war,suffering by the hands of Americans, Taliban and Pakistan Army alike.Were it not a very resilient nation,it would have perished.All these factors combined, makes the case of an independent Pukhtoonistan very convincing. One reason Pukhtoon intellegentia is not fully behind the idea of a separate state is that they know being geographically a land locked country,they will never be fully independent.History has shown clearly that Economic independence is a must for physical independence.