Brother if you memorize the quran, you will find out one quality of it.. that the If some hafiz is given a word or an ayah to pinpoint in quran, the strength of it is not understood by identifying the Ayah or the word after the one indicated.. rather the strength is actually if the hafiz can accurately mention the ayah before the indicated ayah. This is why, many madaris use this strategy of memorizing quran in such a way that if any ayah is given, the hafiz will recite back the ayah before it. Maulana has done that way of recitation to fortify the quran. Another teacher in our madrassah is mashAllah so sharp that when you give him a word, he not only tells you where and where it comes, rather he will tell you on which juz, page, line and around where in the line. Therafter he will mention some Nahwi Qaidaah regarding that word and then make its connection with another word which has the similar rule and then provide where and where that word comes.. I have been following him in taraweeh for last 3 years now.. These are mere ways of strengthing ones quran..they hold no other significance as in sehr or all