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06-05-2011, 08:03 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Dear Ahmed,
Regarding the burka, stoning for adultery and young marriages, please tell me what your actual problem with these things are so that they can be discussed?
Ahmed, please read my posts in the stoning forum again then you will see my arguments.
You say I provide no basis for the claim of girls in France. Well, to answer, there are some, and I say SOME girls that are forced to wear the veil at school. This makes them different, an outsider. Parents will not let them take part in sports, school excursions or going out with friends in the evening. She will be left out of so many experiences and adventures in the name of religion. I know you approve of it. I don't sadly.
She may be pressurised into marrying a guy she does not want to marry. I know personally of a Turkish girl that killed herself because of that and a Tunisian girl (very pious by the way) who was pressured intomarriage
because of her grandmothers wishes and later divorced. Of the sexual intercourse with the husband ,she called it "rape". This is a Muslim girl speaking here, not me.
Again, you are right, I use my "subjective morals" to aprove or criticise. This is what I think is right.
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