Assalamu-‘Alaykum Below is the link to an article, published in the monthly journal of the Darul-Uloom Deoband regarding the madh’hab of HAdhrat Isa(AS)—it clearly refutes those who say that he (AS) will be a HAnafi, saying that it is a slander against him as he(AS) is a prophet. Further, the author quoted Allamah ali Qari, Allamah Sayyuti and Allamah Ibn HAjr regarding this matter, stating some other possible ways in which Hadhrat Isa (AS) might derive the rulings of the Shar’iah of our Prophet (SAW) (As he IS going to follow the Shari’ah of Prophet (SAW) as mentioned in a no. of Ahadith). It also said that Imam Mahdi, also, wont be a Hanafi, quoting Hadhrat Hakim-ul-Ummat in accordance (Malfuzat Hakim-ul-Ummat). But I’ve heard that Hadhrat Mujaddid Alf Thani wrote that Imam Mahdi IS going to be a Hanafi—Is this true? The Urdu knowers must read it! Wassalaam