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Old 06-13-2011, 11:46 PM   #16

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Oct 2005
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salam brother:

it is a complete waste of time. i have even seen fatwa that playing chess is haram because it is a waste of time. Can you imagine on qiyama, when our whole life will seem like a second gone by, we will be wishing that instead of watching nfl/nhl for hours and hours we made one more subhanallah or astaghfirullah...our own mothers/brothers.sisters will be coming to us asking for one more good deed and we will be running away from them saying that we need all our good deeds for what do you think about nfl?
well said.
and remember:
"We did not create the jinn and men except to worship us" [Surah adh-Dhariyyat, verse 56)
anything that leads you away from Allah is haram. anything you do in place of ibaadat is haram. yet you are not asked to give up on this world. you are asked to live in it in the way Allah has prescribed. every aspect of your life should have a connection with Allah's worship and remembrance. how does watching sports when you could be praying nafl, doing zikr and other good deeds classify as superior?think about it.
come towards Allah and you will soon realize that your heart isnt in this world and this world is just a test and temporary.
also, you will get all that you desire in Jannat. just wait a little while
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