Thread: Talqeen
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Old 06-13-2011, 09:18 AM   #1

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Default Talqeen
Assalamoalaykum, Can u (Admin) or anybody please explain Talqeen in the light of Hadith, as much I know about Talqeen is ...Remind the dying person of the Kalima by Reciting
the kalima, Once Kalimah has been recited, remain quiet, Surah Yaseen (Rasool SAW has said “ Read Surah Yaseen over your dying man” (Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah)). As I heard somewhere on FB (Shia's thoughts) that the Talqeen should be read at the grave of the deceased after everyone has left. Talqeen is recited to assist the deceased in the grave. It assists the deceased to answer the questions of the grave when facing Munkar and Nakeer the two Angels of the grave. The Talqeen should be read while sitting beside the grave and facing the direction of the Qibla. Please explain which Talqeen is sunnath which i know already or the other or both???------- Jazakallahkhairah!!
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