Thread: Women
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Old 02-15-2011, 10:03 PM   #5

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Oct 2005
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It is compulsory for every woman to conceal the beauty and ofcourse that will include head or hairs which are also part of beauty. Covering head the head is part of doing the whole hijaab(wearing burqa).( And just imagine if a women is weating an abaya and is not covering her hair, that's like wearing a gown like westerners do.)

"O prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers that they should draw down their shawls over them" (33:59)

The hijab is a means of protecting Muslim women from sin and it is a means of protecting their modesty, and dignity. Besides this it is a clear command of Allah Ta'ala towards the believers which must be obeyed.
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