Thread: Women
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Old 04-17-2011, 02:05 PM   #11

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Is this suppose to be a relegious fatwa !! This could be equated to covering up according to Shari rule without Niqab or with Niqab.
What about us male lowering our gaze. Strange we somehow bypass that part.

Sis Asma have defined the satr according to a strict interpreation. You should make it clear instead of prescribing it as a definate rule. This is the reason why the issue of niqab is left out. According to such observation all the female hajis are not observing the rule of Satr since there face is uncovered. Vast majoirty of the hajjis are violating the Shraiah of dress code - quiet a claim.

Hanafi Madhab says it is waajib to cover the face for a woman. So while man does his part, so should woman.

There are specific orders in Hajj that cloth cannot touch a woman's face, hence why many go unveiled. However there are those who cover there as well, making sure while the face is covered the cloth doesn't actually touch the face.

In fact the women not being allowed to have cloth touch her face during hajj is a daleel that she should cover outside of Hajj. 'Aaishah would bring a cloth before her face whenever a non mahram was near when she was performing hajj. Men also mustn't cover their heads during hajj while outside hajj it is sunnah to do so.

I honestly don't see why people think it's a big deal mentioning "not wearing a niqab in times of fitna is wrong". The comment is usually "Oh so more than such and such percent of women are committing sin according to you?" As if the whole woman populace is protecting itself from other sins like gheebah lying etc.
Galinastva is offline


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