A strange question which needs an honest answer
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01-25-2011, 03:54 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Asalam Alykum,
The ustads do tickle their students and I have noticed that to be a practise in the Indian subcontinent. Its completely normal. Students attending madrisa or Quran memorization classes would know this.
The mother tickling her child is completely normal and the child enjoys it.
Elder siblings tickling their little brothers or sisters should be normal too (as far as the brother and sisters havenot reached adolscents)
BUT a matured male tickling another matured male? Also, your post was clearly indicative of that fact that you are very well aware that people do tickle for sexual reasons, then if you have this doubt in mind, you shouldnt proceed anyway.
Its a damgerous zone brother, better stay away from it. You are only 18 and this is the age when mistakes happen. I say it again dear brother, if you are unsure, then dont do it.
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