Salaam, sorry for the silence. Really quick: I have a good recording on tasawwuf; "Matharatul Qulub" (Purification of the heart) with an English translation. It's very informative. It's a masjid dars by an 'aalim from Mauritania, held in the US. It's at least 10 hrs total...maybe more....It covers tasawwuf in depth. On fiqh....the mukhtasar of al Akhdari is a very good book. Ibn Ashir is also very good, though more advanced than al Akhdari. There is a recording of duruus on Ibn Ashir by the same 'aalim; I don't have them with me now, it would take me about a week to 10 days to get a hold of them in shaa Allah. Usul is not necessary for him to study. If you are interested in the recording on tasawwuf, I can send you the link to the files for him/you to download. Also, there is a recording on seera nabawiyya as well, which is very informative and nice. That should be enough to keep him busy until we can find the Ibn Ashir recording. On fiqh, recordings are not sufficient, but they are useful. He needs access to someone who can answer his questions when he has some confusing matters to clear; that can be done through email or through a lesson. I will think about someone who can maybe assist him through scheduled lessons for free if he has regular access to the web. Mukhtar