I communicated your words to Hazrat Shaikh Hakim Kalimullah Sahab (DB). He confirmed all the relations of Dr Ali Malpa Sahab (DB). Hazrat (DB) said that Dr Malpa Sahab (DB) is an aashiq of Muhi-us-Sunnah (RA). He used to come to Anona House. He still wants to come but, as you mentioned, advanced age is the problem. He is a Shafei. He is Majaz-e-Bayt of Muhi-us-Sunnah (RA) (cf. number 13 here) and before that he was a Majaz-e-Suhbat of Shah Wasiullah Sahab (RA). Yes I get to meet Dr Nadir Ali Khan Sahab (DB). I share some Dawah repo with his elder sons (Also see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). By the Grace of Allah (SWT) I get lots of affection from him. I come from the same cultural milieu as Dr Nadir Ali Khan Sahab (DB). I had read your post about your Feb meeting with him. Are you from Pakistan? Wassalam