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Old 06-12-2011, 07:42 PM   #10

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Sufism mainly flourished in the "dark ages" when ignorant people were taken by a hype of the so called "Karamaat" . The foundation stones of Sufism stood on some hearsay narration , fake stories and fabricated Hadiths. During the 20th century when they (Sufis) were exposed to the scientific revolution at one hand and the "rationalization-authentication" movement of the Salafis on the other hand , they started losing the plot. The mythical stories of "Karamat" crawled back into the rocks since the advent of Camera. The fake narration/stories which they were using to delude the people were debunked by the Salafis. So here they stand today crippled and fighting their battle of existence which they seem to have lost.They are misfits in the present society.
Take the example of Mr Nazzim Haqqani. The Salafis have been teasing him since long now for his words and actions and he has tried to reply them back in his own manners.At the other hand , Camera has exposed him and most of the people don't take him seriously anymore. In this state of being a "misfit" , where no more he can use fake stories and fake karamats to keep his crowd in order , he has come up with a unique trick. That is to terrorize the minds of the people with his prophecies of "Mehdi is coming , the end is near" and he thinks that he can keep himself in the news through that. But even the prophecies have lost their flavor now.
The funniest aspect of the story is that out of desperation , the Sufis have bulldozed the historical pet-line of sufis " Sufis are the torchbearers of love and peace" . They have portrayed themselves as "Salafi haters" instead.
The clever ones among them have stopped talking about Karamats etc and have taken refuge in "Tasawwuf is only a tool for Tazkiya Nafs and an apparatus to help one reach the status of Ehsan" . This new pet-line has kept a few in the show till now.
I notice the same thing about today's Sufis. They have nothing to offer...only criticism of Salafi and "Wahhaabis"....that too based on ignorance.

What they don't realize is by constantly attacking and demonizing the Muslims who adhere to the Sunnah, these Sufis are resembling lthe Jews in the time of Eesa ibn Maryam
Why did the Jewish scholars and rabbis consistently oppose the Prophets? Because while they knew these Prophets were upon the truth, they were afraid of losing their power and influence over the masses. This is the same thing with Sufis, they fear Salafiyyah because they fear the hold they will lose over the people whom they are leading astray.
penpizdes is offline


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