Marriage question
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05-03-2011, 04:45 AM
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Oct 2005
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The obvious thing is that we all do things for Allah. That is without question. I don't know, maybe its my heart which is corrupt. I really don't know at times..... I really have never done this many good deeds at once ever in my lifetime. And I honestly hope that Allah rewards both she and I for every action that I do in the sense that had Allah not placed such an inspiration in my life, I may have not been able to help the people that were in need at the time within the past year, or rather, Allah would have used someone else. Only Allah knows best. Honestly though, if you sisters don't mind me asking, if a brother that you knew did approach you're Wali (brother, father, what have you) in this manner, would you give him the chance of day to at least see the kind of person he is? Or rather, what would it take for a brother be given a chance to see if that person is really right for you. If you don't feel comfortable answering, I'll understand.
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