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Old 05-03-2011, 10:23 AM   #24

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I've made up my decision that if I can't get married to her, I won't get married honestly because I will always harbor those feelings I have and the amount of good deeds I've done during this last year, I can almost guarantee some people would not be able to do in a lifetime, and that is not to show off, but just to reiterate the type of effect this person has on me and it is for that reason that I want to marry her. I will continue to make dua that Allah unite our hearts as one InshAllah and take us both to Jannat-ul-Firdoz amongst the Prophets. I honestly need help from the brothers and sisters to try to find out what I can and should do Islamically to try to make this happen. Obviously, in the end, matters lie in the hands of Allah, but even knowing that, we have to believe in our dua and do EVERYTHING with what Allah has given us, so I'm not going to stop unless either one of 3 things happens:

1. She gets married to someone else and at that point I would have to give up.
2. We get married to each other (Best case scenario)
3. On a more morbid side, I die before I get the chance to marry her, in that case, may Allah marry us to each other in Jannat-Ul-Firdoz InshAllah.

Would just like to say you should not make dua for anything specific as in ( make dua to marry this specific sister) but instead we should always make dua to Allah asking for Khair (goodness) in all of our affairs.With that Allah will grant us what He knows is best for us..

We may desire something or someone which or who we may think is best for us but in reality it isn't and that thing or person may in the future turn out to be the opposite of what we want/expected your trust in Allah swt and ask Allah swt for Aafiyah and to grant you the best of this duniyaa/Aakirah.

If it's the will of Allah for you to marry this sister nothing and no one can prevent it and if it's not His will nothing and no one can't make it happen.

If something is meant to go elsewhere,it will never come your way,but if it is yours by destiny,from you it cannot flee.

May Allah grant you what is best and bless you with a pious wife who is good for you inshaAllah... aameen
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