Marriage question
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06-08-2011, 06:59 PM
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Oct 2005
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Shaytaan will most definitely try and stop you from attaining closeness to Allah(SWT). He will use this girl and her memories and thoughts in your heads to misguide i feel its my duty to let you know of things
you must not do under any circumstances
thot id help u remember by writing it as a letter to you from shaytaan and your nafs.DONT MIND please
"Dear 'friend',
we recently got to know you were having misgivings about your future path. dont worry. we are here to guide you and help you. we have compiled a list of things you must do so you can get what you want.
- do not listen to the person who replied below. he is trying to lead you away from this girl and doesnt want you to be happy.
- continue on your worship and dua but make sure that after every prayer, and on every opportune moment of making dua, you make dua that Allah (SWT) grant you this girl as your wife.every other dua can wait.
- keep reminding yourself that this girl was placed for a reason in your life and she was the reason for your spiritual enlightenment. so its your right to have her as your wife.
- also keep telling Allah (SWT) that if He wants you to stay on the right path He shd give you this girl. For if you dont get her you will turn away from ibaadat and that will be the end of it. ofcourse that wont be your fault at all. Doesnt months and months and sincere worship deserve a reward?
- pray istikhaara but know that you must never give up. For Allah (SWT) can make even the impossible happen. what if she gets married to someone else?who is to say things wont turn out you can marry her after that?havent you seen the movie 'when harry met sally'?...dont u remb how they eventually ended up together?you would condemn yourself to disappointment if you let go. No, you must love her with a burning passion and must never ever give up. for doing so, would mean you are ungrateful to your Lord. he made your life better with her, why would He want you to give her up?
- find a new strategy of getting her. Play cool. go to to get tips on how to land girls. its all halal for you because your intention is to marry her right?
- never forget her. for if you forgot to think abt her how will you find motivation in yourself to pursue her?you will surely be one of the losers if you stop thinking abt her.
- Ask Allah(SWT) to grant you this girl and her only. Ask Allah to make her heart love you and you only.
- dont even contemplate the thought of her being happier with someone else.who can love her more than you?
- you are right in thinking you shldnt marry anyone if you dont get her.for you can never forget her and it would be a disservice to your wife when you cant love her the way you love this girl.
- Love of Allah(SWT) will come to you when Allah (SWT) wishes. the imprtant thing right now is to not lose focus on the task at hand and get this girl. Imagine that you two are happily married and have kids and grand kids and in your old age you will have plently of time to gain Allah (SWT)'s love. now isnt the time for this.
- ask people who have successfully gotten married to the one they wished, and seek their advice. you will notice their love for their loved one was undying. will your love be undying if you stop thinking about her?if you do so, you will not deserve her!
We sincerely hope you get her. we are trying our best to help you make the best decisions. and we have nothing to gain from this. who has better friends than that?
oh and just keep away from 'I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed shaytaan'.just a small favour we want to ask
Yours sincerely,
Shaytaan and your nafs."
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