how do you get married
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06-11-2011, 07:11 PM
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Oct 2005
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how do you get to know the person if you cant date
just wondiring or are they only arranged marrages
Brother In my personal experience most of the broken marriages are the ones that were solemnized after the bride and groom had spent enough time in knowing each other. Basically in such situations both have the desire to pass other's judgment. They'll try very hard to get passed by the other. After marriage that motivation is lost and natural personality sets in. The end result is for all to see. In the arranged marriage, except for the superficiality introduced by modern influences, there is no such pressure. After marriage both parties take it as a responsibility to make the marriage work. To make the marriage work was a sine qua non. As far as seeing the girl before the marriage is concerned that is for the purpose of deciding whether you are ready to spend your life with that face-basically your wife's face should not be unacceptable to you. This is what I gather from the books I have read. So knowing each other is not, in deed, part of the Islamic way. From the things I have seen I can assert that this knowing each other business is really non-sense, but you can ignore this because this is my opinion only. To conclude, I wish we implement Islam more sincerely in our life. May Allah (SWT) guide us on the right path.
I hope it adds some thing to your query.
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