Do Barelvis believe...
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06-04-2011, 04:41 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
A couple of issues the Sheikh touches upon.. let us see if it actually unsubstantiated claims.
1. Sheikh said that deos "claim" that barelvies believe in Ilm kulli (No barelwi believes that) Do deobandis have any proof for this claim? He said, certain barelwis (2 or 3) who have said so.
2. Sheikh mentioned about Noor or Bashr with reference to Nashr Teeb. Sheikh said, Barelwies do not believe that nur is dhati part of Allah. What is the deobandi stance on the issue and how it differ from what barelwi stance?
3. Sh. said that some barelwies says Rasulullah
didnt have shadow. Probably a part of the above isse. But Is this even an issue of polemical ikhtilaf?
4. Sh. says since some laymen only have 5 link with deen (15th shaban, 27 ramadan, 2 Eids, Milaad) [he for got the Laylatul Me'raaj], we should not say that these are bid'a (except for the 2 eids) since they will loose all link with deen.
These are basically the issues he is addressing. InshAllah these point form will help in a better discussion on the issue.
The issue of OP is also a another issue which Shekh did not mention.
5. Doebandi claim that Barelwis claim Nabi
is Hadhir Wa Nadhir. I dont know about the major imams, by few of my laymen barelwy family believe that.
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