Lists in order of reliable Hanafi Fiqh books
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09-27-2008, 10:54 PM
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Nov 2005
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Then he has listed some unreliable books including:
2. Muheet Burhani.
Some Ulama, including Ml. Abd al-Hay al-Laknawi have erroneously classified al-Muhit al-Burhani as a weak and unreliable book, when it is from amongst the most reliable books in the madhab.
When Moulana Abd al-Hay later on got hold of the book and had the chance to study it, he immediately retracted his previous ruling of weakness on the book.
It should be borne in mind that this issue of reliable and unreliable books, is a very delicate issue, which many Muftis haven't even properly grasped, never mind laymen.
There are a number of reasons why a book would be considered unreliable and the ruling on the use of the book would be based on this reason.
A book being unreliable, doesn't mean that it can never be quoted, instead there are rules regulating the usage of such books and the quoting of masail therefrom.
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