Lists in order of reliable Hanafi Fiqh books
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11-25-2008, 07:43 PM
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Nov 2005
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Hanafis from the subcontinent wrote many fatawa works, sharhs and hashiyas, but very few original works. The single exception which comes to mind is the mussalam al-thubut in usul, there may be others, but the majority of their works are in the form of jam' and naql. If you look at the central asian tradition, they produced the most original works and in my opinion the most authoritative. At the helm is the great scholar, Imam sarakhsi who is unsurpassed in the madhhab and whose every sentence epitomises the Hanafi school. There are so many original works from this region in usul, fiqh and its allied genres (such as qawaid, furuq etc) that it really was the cradle of the madhhab. The arab scholars also produced many original works and their sharhs were more than just jam' and naql, especially in their incorporation of hadith material, like Imam Tahawi, Ayni and Ibn al-Humam. They also produced great usuli scholars and works. The ottomans also wrote many works and authoritative texts, being the ruling power for seven centuries and a patron of the hanafi school give a great boost to the school and led to many ulama's coming from those lands.
The indian subconintent, has not really produced anything significantly original or novel, nor have they produced works which are very authoritative, although the fatawa alamgiri may be an exception. Some of the works by the deobandis are very welcome and may represent the best of the indian contribution to the madhhab. The i'la al-Sunan for example is an unparralled work and is testimony not only to the author's capability but also to the school from which he hails; he being a single example of which there are many more. The contributions of the deobandis in hadith is also exemplary and well recognised amongst the arab ulama.
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