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Old 05-28-2011, 02:29 AM   #32

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wellwisher i would like to clarify further that i never questioned the faith of amir muawiya(ra) but only his political stands and obvious mistakes. do you belive he was infallible. do you believe after prophet(saw) breathed his last the sahabas never sinned. if you believe so give me proofs. till then contemplate this:-
1/ Anas bin malik (ra) , well known sahaba , who was later matyred by the cruelty of ummayads narrates from Prophet(saw) that ...
Some of my companions will come to me at my Lake Fount, and after I recognise them, they will then be taken away from me, whereupon I will say, 'My companions!' Then it will be said, 'You do not know what they innovated (new things) in the religion after you.

the hadith is narrated with sahih chain in sahih bukhari vol 8 no 584,
the hadith is narrated with same chain by imam muslim in his sahih vol 15

what is implied here is not the generalization of sahaba. it means there were SOME (not all, may Allah be pleased with them) so called sahabas who didnt adhere to the truth and were hence neglected by Allah for his Prophet(saw).

sahabas were not infallible. accept it. and by the way amir muawiya doesnt stand on the same merit as those who accepted faith in mecca, migrated with prophet(saw). he was a tulaqa , those who accepted islam after the fall of mecca. Surely and very clearly amir muawiya(ra) doesnt stand the same position as Abu bakr, omar, uthman, ali , ammar, talha, abu dhar.

infact ibn taimiyah mentions in minhaj us sunnah that.......yazid bin abu sufyan was the brother of muawiya and higher in merit than him.
when did i say he was infallibe? He was not ,even ali(ra) was not infallible mind you. This is the belief of Ahlesunnah.

So your ridiculous run arounds dont refute my claim alhamdulilah., which i made in my last post.

And refer my blog i have anwered the stupidity spread by your brethren(shiatu dajjal) regarding hadeeth of lake.
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