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Old 05-28-2011, 04:20 AM   #34

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regarding to your answer to my question that Hujr ibn adi was not a sahabi and he was killed for a crime. well again you didnt do justice. the problem with people like you is that u check certian websites rafidi or nasibi and make the statements recorded their as your ideology. please study yourself.
hujr ibn adi was killed in 51 Ah. the reason was that the governor of kufa ziyad, father of infamous ibn ziad , used to hurl curses on Ali and ahl bait. hujr , a sahabi criticized him for it. for this crime he was imprisoned and sent to damascus with these words" this person hujr bin adi, is sending blessings on Ali and his family".
qazi sharih, a reputed qadhi from kufa wrote to muawiya(ra) to refrain from the injustice of punishing Hujr. at last amir muawiya(ra) put the condition before hujr and his associates to curse Ali and ahl bair rejecting which they could be killed. as expected from a sahabi who kept himself on the right path, Hujr ibn adi refused in these words" i wont utter the filth that displeases Allah". as a consequence he and his associates were matyred and one was buried alive for his love of Ali"

references.....tabari vol 4, p190, ibn abdur barr alistiab vol 1 p 135, ibn athir vol 3 p234,albidayah wa alnihayah ibn kathir vol 8 p55, ibn khaldun vol 3 p 13.

the killing of hujr was injustice as the stand of hadrat Aisha (ra) proves clearly..

imam ibn hajar asqalani(ra) records in isabah vol 2 p 355 that hadrat Aisha sent message with hazrat abdul rehman(ra) to muawiya in which she instructed muawiya(ra) in these words:-

" safegaurd yourselves from Allah in killing of hujr ibn adi(ra) and his associates"

but Hujr ibn adi and his associates were already matyred.
the tradition is supported by ibn athir in usad ul gabah where he records that after the incident when muawiya(ra) visited hejaz, he was question and criticized by hadrat Aisha(ra) on the matter.

hadrat ibn umar (ra) wept at the matyrdom of hujr ibn adi( recorded by ibn hajar in isabah , ibn abdur barr in istiab)

regarding his being a sahabi it is accepted by all including ibn saad in tabaqaat, etc.
ibn kathir has recorded that some dont regard him a sahabi and continues later in these words... sahabi ibn hujr benefitted from the meeting with Prophet(saw). now tell me is this justice?

imam dahabi further writes the same words of hujr's association with Prophet(saw). furthermore the reaction of sahabas to his killing proves it all.
in Al Isaba ibn hajar asqalani quotes Hujr:

He was killed upon the orders of Mu'awiya in a village called Mriaj Adra near Damascus. At the time of his execution he requested: 'Do not remove these chains after I am killed, nor clean the blood. We will meet again with Mu'awiya and I shall petition my case against him'.

later on amir muawiya(ra) himself admitted in these words.... the killing of Hujr lessened my days.(tabari, albidayah)
asalamu alykum,
brother omar, you have presented your point of view beautifully. of course, your reserarch and argumentive attitude seem satisfactory. keep the good job up.
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