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Old 05-28-2011, 04:49 AM   #37

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Oct 2005
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history reports when in any way trying to condemn a noble sahabi of prophet(saw0 or any sahabi of Prophet(saw) should be thoroughly scrutinized. When cant just blindly accept it. And historians themselve stated that what they bring in their books needs to be verified. So dont try to fool your ownself and others.

And it is well known fact that shias(narrators) have fabricated reports of histroy , every talib ul ilm knows this basic but it seems you are far away from truth.
just answer this. why cant history condemn a sahabi? u urself admitted that they were not infallible. the main reason was sahabas werent included in durood sharif by PROPHET HIMSELF is becoz the reason of them not being infallible. our scholars by using these foolish arguments have narrowed the horizons of reason.
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