Turkey's 'Gulen movement'
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05-27-2011, 12:33 AM
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Oct 2005
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Although you can find his biography and general information about the movement, here I want to tell something which you won't find.
It is by far the largest Jamaah rooted in Turkey, then spread out all over the globe. Fethullah Gulen, a very respected and reputable scholar and
of Qur'an, has traditional Ijazah from high caliber scholars of the late Ottoman. The movement has more than 500 schools (teaching both positive sciences and
), and number of Universities all over the world. His scholarship is amazing; he has countless of bayans, lectures, books and talks. In that regard he is like an ocean - a true Allamah indeed; his knowledge stretches from classical Arabic morphology, grammar, prose, balaghah, Persian language, to usul al-fiqh, hadith, rijal, tafsir, qiraat, da'wah, akhlaq, tasawwuf and positive sciences. He instilled the love of Rasulullah (s.a.w) and his companions (r.a) in the millions of people. He made popular previous works such as hayatu's-sahabah, hilyatul awliyah, sifatu's-safwa and others. In of his speeches he said:
"I may not recognize my nephews, but Alhamdulillah I know 10.000 Sahabah by their names, distinctions and all."
I don't remember any of his lectures in which he mentioned the name of Rasulullah
and didn't cry. That's how he loves Him. Really he has influenced millions till this days. He is the man who moves the mountains by the help, grace and permission of Allah.
Here are some of
the books he studied under his scholars:
Amthila, Bina, Maksud, Izzi wa Marah
Awamil, Izhar, Kafiyah, Sharh Kafiyah Molla Jami
Talhis, Muhtasaru’l-Maani, Majmau’l-Mutun
Multaqa’l-Abhur, Mir’atu’l-Usul
Bad'ul Amali Sharh Aliyyul Qari, Tawailul Anwar by Qadi Baydawi
Anwaru't-Tanzil by Qadi Baydawi, and Jalalain
and many others.
And here is the list of the books he taught:
1. Tafsir-i Jalalayn
2. anwaru’t-Tanzil and asraru’t-Ta’wil
3. Ibn Kasir’in
4. Kashaf of Zamahshari
5. Fi Zilali’l-Kur’an
6. Rawaiu’l-Bayan Tafsir-i ayati’l-Ahkam Muhammad Ali as-Sabuni
7. Isharatu’l-I’caz
8. M. almalılı Hamdi Yazır
9. al-Ikna fi’l-kıraati’s-sab’of Ibn Bazish
10.Ta’wilatu’l-Kur’an of Imam Maturidi
1. Sahih al-Bukhari with tha Sharh of Qastalani, Badruddin al-Ayni and Fathul Bari
2. Sahih Muslim
3. Sunan Abu Dawud with tha Sharh of Halil Ahmad as-Saharanfuri and Mahmud Muhammad Hattab as-Subki
4. Sunan at-Tirmizi’nin with tha sharh of al-Mubarakfuri callad Tuhfatu'l-ahwaz
5. Muwatta of Imam Malik
6. Sunan an-Nasai
7. at-Tacu’l-Jami of M. Ali Nasif
8. Uqudu Jawahiri’l-Munifa of Murtaza az-Zabidi
9. Kanzu’l-ummal of Ali al-Muttaki
10.Riyadu’s-Salihin of Zakariya an-Nawawi
11. Ash-Shifa of Kadı Iyaz
12. Al-Lu’luu wa’l-marcan of Muhammad Fuad Abdulbaki
1. Quduri
2. al-Ihtiyar lita’- lili’l-mukhtar
3. al-Hidaya
4. al-Hadiyya-tu’l-Alaiyya
5. Multaka’l-abhur
6. al-Fiqhu’l-Islami wa adillatuhu of wahba Zuhayli
7. al-Fiqhu’l-Hanafi wa adillatuhu of asad Muhammad Said Sagharji
8. Fathu Babi’l-inaya bi sharhi’n-Nuqaya of Ali al-Qari
Usul al-Fiqh
1. Mir’atu’l-Usul
2. al-waciz of Abdulkarim Zaydan
3. al-Muwafakat of Ibrahim ash-shatıbi
4. Madhal of Sayyid Bey
1. ar-Risalatu’l-Kushayriyya fi Ulumi’t-Tasawwuf by Kushayri
2. Maktubat of Imam Rabbani
3. ar-Riaya Lihukillah of Haris al-Muhasibi
4. Ihyau ulumi’d-din
5. Nafahatu’l-uns
6. ar-Riyadu’t-Tasawwufiyya of Abdulhakim Arwasi
Arabic Grammar - sarf:
1. Amthila
2. Bina
3. Maqsud
4. Izzi
Arabic Grammar - nahw:
1. Awamil
2. Izhar
3. Al-Kafiyah of Ibul Hajib
4. Nahwu’l-wadih
5. Sharh of Alfiyah by Ibnul Aqil
6. Jamiu'd-Durusul Arabiyyah
7. Mabadiu’d-Durusi’l-Arabiyya by Muhammad Muhyiddin Abdulhamid
8. al-Muntahap wa’l-muktadab fi kawaiidi’s-sarf wa’n-nahw by Mahmad Zihni afandi
9. Takallum his own book series for practical Arabic
Arabic Grammar - balaghah:
1. Talhisu’l-Miftah of Hatib al-Kazwini
2. Jawahiru’l-balağa fi’l-maani wa’l-bayan wa’l-badi’ of Ahmat al-Hashimi
3. al-Balagatu’l-wadiha of Ali Jarim-Mustafa amin
1. Sharhu akaidi’n-Nasafiyya of Sadaddin at-Taftazani
2. Risala-i Nur collections
3. Al-Akaidu’l-Hayriyya of Mahmad Wahbi afandi
4. Imam Maturidi-Kitab-ı Tawhid
Various books:
1. ar-Rasail by Hasan al-Banna
2. Makalat of Muhammad Zahid al-Kawsari
4. Qasidatul Bur'a Sharh Harputi
Hope this helps to understand his status.
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