The Hanbali Madhab while may have been the smallest, is the most well grounded when it comes to the fiqh being based upon the most ahadeeth. Secondly, who said numbers play a part in haqq?
salams there is no specific reason for switching. a student can gradually gravitate towards a particular contemporary scholar and in the same way one can be inclined to a particular classical scholar and his school.
in response to your points about aqida and the link you provided about salafi mujassima. then that is not the path that i am on as they seem intent on delving into the howness of the attributes and expelling the asharis and maturidis from the ahla sunna and i'm not sure why exactly you think that I am on this path.
I would advise you to purchase shaykh riyadh ul haq's lectures on aqidatul tahawiya from the al kawthar academy website which will help you to appreciate that there are 3 schools of sunni aqida. this is also clarified by mufti taqi usmani
I accept your points regarding the hijacking of the hanbali school and I suppose this would be the danger in switching i.e that the lack of english speaking traditional hanbalis would mean that I would have to rely on those who have not truly embraced the hanbali school.
Kindly stop acting as an expert on Hanbali Madhab when you don't follow it yourself.
Also kindly stay away from passing rulings over other madhabs or making comparisons between the madhabs.These issues don't fall in your jurisprudence.
True: Numbers won't make a madhab superior.
Compare your two inter-contradictory opinions QUOTE=maneatinglizard;453431] Why would one be prevented from studying with a Hanbali Alim that is Salafi, when the Madhab is a matter of Fiqh, and being a Salafi or not is a matter of Aqida? Besides that, you need to realize that the great majority of Hanbali Ulema have always been Atharis, and not Asharis, and that many of them fiercely opposed the Asharis even before Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah I feel that anyone who claims that the Hanbali Madhab has died denies the history of this Ummah as much as those Salafis that reject the fact that the great majority of this Ummah has followed the Madhahib, and that Asharis and Maturidis have always outnumbered Atharis.