Friday Prayer sin - question ("he who misses three Friday prayers is kafir")
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05-19-2011, 12:37 AM
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Friday Prayer sin - question ("he who misses three Friday prayers is kafir")
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmat'Allahi wa barakatuh,
Where I currently live I can not attend Friday prayers with any regularity. There is no masjid within short distance accessible, and I do not have private transportation nor am I within walking distance (~4km) of public transportation (which does not come near to any masjid except for a Shi'a!). I am relatively poor and can not afford a taxi ($70 USD round trip) to go to the masjid every Friday, or I would not be able to pay my obligations in rent, or would be unable to pay for food or medical treatment (I am unable to drive legally due to one medical condition).
I have tried to find Muslims who live in the same apartment development as me to start a Friday prayer, but I have been unable to find a quorum of four males (or four Muslims at all). Moving is not an option, for contractual and financial reasons.
I have been told by one American jurist (I do not know his credentials) who claimed to be a Hanafi,
"The law of necessity makes the forbidden permissible"
, which he said is the reasoning used to allow ethanol containing medications to people who have no alternative, the drinking of khamr by people who would die of thirst, and the eating of swine by people who would die of hunger (these last two examples have Quranic backing in Surah al-Baqara, the same verse that says,
"And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has prohibited to you only carrion, and blood, and swine..."
) and (what called his reasoning in to question for me), which allows the use of health insurance by individuals who would certainly die unable to afford treatment otherwise.
Is this
"Law of necessity"
a valid reason to miss prayer, due to poverty and the inability to both attend Friday prayer and pay for a dwelling and food, or is a chronic medical condition that keeps me from driving valid as a "severe illness excuse" (I do not think it is), or am I a sinner* doomed to have my heart cut off from the Glory, and Light and Mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala (and at severe risk of the Fire)?
*I can not believe I am kafir because I do not treat the Friday prayer lightly, do not deny that it is fardh ayn, and do not deny the obligation of any of the commands of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, although I may transgress them: but it is my understanding this makes me a sinner, who can receive the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala when repenting, not a kafir who has an eternal abode in the Fire of Jahannam.
I have tried to find relevant fatawa online using all of the usual sources (Mufti Ibrahim Desai, Sunnipath), or even usool/fiqh, but have been unable to.
Any help or resource is much appreciated. I apologise if my English is lacking.
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah.
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