Friday Prayer sin - question ("he who misses three Friday prayers is kafir")
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05-19-2011, 02:50 AM
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Oct 2005
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No, most deliberate sinful acts are not acts of kufr - that's a Khawarij or their descendant Ibadi belief. The hadith seemed to say that I was doing kufr or a mortal sin by not attending Friday prayer even though I do not have the means to ("I did not come to make your religion hard for you..."), so I asked: this has become all about what acts are kufr instead of my original question (of which kufr was a part).
But there is a hadith (Bukhari 800) that says, "A believer who drinks khamr is not a believer while he is drinking khamr, a believer who does zina is not a believer while he is doing the act, a believer who steals is not a believer while stealing."
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