Friday Prayer sin - question ("he who misses three Friday prayers is kafir")
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05-20-2011, 01:56 AM
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Oct 2005
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I don't mind where the thread has gone: it has some bearing on my original question, which included the fact:
"There is no public transportation within walking distance (~4km) of me, and the public transportation, if I could walk that far, does not come close to any masjid except for a Shi'a one."
To answer the unspoken question, it's a standard Jafari Twelver place, always going about how Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman (RA) are kuffar who stole the succession from Ali, how there were Fourteen Perfect Imams that came to teach the religion because Rasul'Allah (SAW) did such a bad job of it, they curse Aisha (RA) as a kafir (they should be called "Fourteeners" or "Misguided by al-Shaytan") , and how the last of those Imams is now sleeping in a cave like the Companions of the Cave and is al-Mahdi, claiming the Qur'an (Allah speaks the truth) has undergone tahrif, and the true book is the "Suhuf Fatima" or "Kitab Fatima" which was destroyed by one of those caliphs (RA), so on.
And beyond cursing the rightly-guided successors, they try to claim all the Sahih traditions in Bukhari and Muslim (and Nasa'i, and Abu Da'ud, and Tirmidhi, and Ibn Maja, and Darimi, and Daraqutni, the the Musnad, and al-Muwatta, and Ibn Khuzaymah) are lies, and throw up massive collections of munkar and mawdoo ahadith (kitab al kafi) to "counter" them.
I know because they got me to talk to them one time to try and recruit me when I was less knowledgeable in Islam and weaker of eeman than I am today, by spouting the lies, "We love the family of the Prophet (SAW), did you know your Sunnis don't follow the Prophet (SAW), but follow Aishah (RA) and the successors instead?"
I find it odd as well that almost all of the Shi'a masjid is full of white people, very few people of colour. Many of them aren't even Arabs or Indians, and can only speak English. I suppose the rabid promotion of Salafism in the West is backfiring.
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