I think I understand that. It is very twisted and hard for my English ability to understand. It makes the madhhab al-Shafi'ee seem ridiculously complicated! Essentially, there is only makruh and no makruh tahriman in the madhhab al-Shafi'ee, and al-Shafi'ee has one less level of ahkam in his madhhab, and it is haraam to hold one to the standard of a madhhab they do not follow, because all madhhab passed down from the four mujtahid are valid, as it is impossible and impermissible to force taqwa on to someone who does minimum (as trying to command a man to do 42 raka't a day instead of 17 or 20, where 17 is the minimum agreed upon as fardh by all schools and passed down in the Sahih traditions, Hanafi consider 20 to be minimum [wajib witr], or consider that one must do 4 raka't before dhuhr to fulfill the Sunnah where Shafi'ee only do 2). Is this correct understanding?