Speech of Bin Baz in Deoband Conference!
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05-19-2011, 06:12 AM
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Oct 2005
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Am I the only one noticing a condescending and lecturing tone in the speech?
Something which make you think its preparation on the lines of: "
Ok, where are we going to give this speech? In India? Where a lot of bid'ah takes place and those deviants follow the Maturidi deviant 'Aqidah? Let's focus on these points and give them some mild Salafi da'wah
My impression is that the scholars in the Indo-Pak seem very cautious on regards of the Arab Salafis and prefer to keep a low profile with their scholars and not engage in discussions; but this may sometimes give the impression of some sort of inferiority complex toward the "Arab scholars" taking one to stay silent instead of freely and openly expressing one's views.
A bit of the same reason for which the more "sober" Riyad as-Salihin in used for Arab Tablighis instead of Fada'il-e-A'mal, not to "scare" them away, while a more confident attitude may be seen to have bigger effects in the Da'wah amongst Arabs.
Sad to see that the respect and silence offered by many Deobandis isn't exchanged back but with declaration of deviancy of our Minhaj from many Salafi scholars.
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