Marital problem
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04-30-2011, 10:13 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Nice post, FususAlHikam.
Cyber.satan, (I don't like your username, btw LOL), it sounds as though you have had a lot of expectations of how things
should be
, and then are disappointed when things are not as you expected. You are unhappy with how you got married. You are unhappy with your age at marriage. You are unhappy that when you went to visit there was no sex yet. Unhappy, unhappy, unhappy....... What are you happy about? You say she is nice and is trying-- that's a start! What else do you like about her? Try looking for the positive qualities about her instead of focusing on all the negatives. You speak of thinking you would fall in love, but maybe you need to re-examine your idea of what love is. Love is not an emotion, nor a feeling, it is an act of your will. Love is an action verb. Love is a choice. Learn how to live love in your marriage, rather then trying to feel it.
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