I think all of you are blowing this way out of proportion. Changing madhab is not changing religion, if you want to then do it, its not a thing you have to go and start making a big deal out of. Also everyone here with their madhab wars are ridiculous. If someone asks you what religion you are do you tell them 'im a hanafi sunni muslim who follows X and Y and Z but reject A and B."? no you tell them you're a muslim, and then if they ask more you say sunni. What madhab you follow is PURELY based on which one you have better access to in terms of learning its rules, or what you were brought up following. Seriously. I am maliki because my dad is maliki and he is the best source of the rules , and because north africa is maliki, but i live in the UK which is Hanafi. Maliki fiqh is easier for me to access because i have my father, and his vast collection of books, which is easier to get to than going to the imam of the central mosque and asking for guidance. Now advice for the brother: If hanafi fiqh is easier for you to access and you've grown up with it anyway, stay with it. Don't make it a big deal and if you want to learn about it then read it. Madhab wars are stupid, unnecessary, and are the roots of people splitting off. End Of.